Indiatodaybook club
Non receipt of benetton sunglass


India today book club is cheating peoples

I do not know why we educated people get trapped by these reputed companies like India today

I received a email from pay Rs 799 for 16 cds of sur and taal and also get a benetton sunglass free and also pay Rs 300 as handlng charges. I paid and received VPP. it was nicely packed Persuming that sunglass must be inside I received VPP but when I opened it sunglass was not there. I complained go Mr Iftiaq on toll free number. he asked me to pay Rs 500 more as handling charges for sunglass. I told him that it was free and it should have been despatched alognwith CDs. but he asked me to complaint through email. I sent complaint but no reply received.

I India Today is a big CHEATER they are not telling any hidden cost, otherwise people would not get into their trap. I paid money only for a reputed sunglasses. I have nothing to do with CDs.

I shall move to Consumer Court once I get a reply from them

Company: Indiatodaybook club
Country: India
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India Today Book Club
Order not deliver since MArch

India Today Book Club
I have been cheated by the company's senior/middle level executive

Polo Club
Poor Quality

India Today Book Club
Non receipt of product and no redressal of complaint

India Today Book Club
India Today Book Club - ONLINE COMPLAINTS

India Today Book Club
Cheated by India Today Book Clu

India Today Book Club
Material not recd after 100 days

Non delivery of product / not refund of amount

India Today Book Club
Not delivering service/product after getting payment