0ffer 0f reebok shoe& sunglasses


Dear Sir 28/10

Sub- 0rder of Reebok shoe & sunglasses are not received yet

Ref: order no (1) 700048806& (2) 700048808


Your advertisement of Reebok shoes with gift of sunglasses had been published in daily

News paper in month of march I order two shoes, order no 700048808 &order no 700048806

On your toll free phone number and amount paid by credit card (master card) and the amount

Deducted from my account 16/03. I am sending the zerox copy of bank statement.

Herewith received one one shoe of size no-09 with one sun glasses, but my anther order no 700048806

For shoe size no-08 have not received yet. I complained on phone about 50 calls but still not received

The another parcel yet.

So please send compliant with consumer federation I hope you will take the action immediately and

Send my pending order.

Thanking you

Vijay H Nimbalkar.

Company: Indiatoday
Country: India
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India Today Book Club
Non receipt of product and no redressal of complaint


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