India Today Book Club
Delay in promised refund for defective product shipped



The timeline of events in my complaint is as follows

11 March 09 - Order placed for Benetton Sunglasses Wristwatch combo from ITBC (paid with my credit card and evidenced in statement) Rs 1499

1st Week April 09 - Package delivered but defective (see attachment)

6 April 09 - Complaint mail with attached pictures sent

7April09 - Response from ITBC "With reference to your mail we request you that kindly send the parcel back to us we will arrange the refund against the same". I confirmed on phone that courier charges willl also be reimbursed (Rs239). Just a thought here, when a perfectly reputable courier company only charged me Rs. 239 for returning the package to ITBC, why should ITBC charge 499 for delivering the same package???

15April09 - Confirmation from courier company that package has been successfully delivered at ITBC Delhi office

15April09 - Mail from ITBC "With reference to your mail, we would like to have a scan copy of your credit card statement, so that we can check the details and help you in the same."

15April09 - Card statement sent for 1st time to ITBC ("PFA my credit card statement (ref page 2 of statement, transaction dtd 11th Mar 09")

23April09 - Mail sent in frustration to ITBC (after sending the statement three timws in one week)

"Dear Ms. xxx, Mr. xxx.. and all others who have 'helpfully' reminded me to send my card statement...! As you can see from the mail below... i have ALREADY SENT THE STATEMENT TWICE. PLEASE CHECK FILE NAMED 09_03.PDF (attached again in this mail). I am sorry to say this, but my so called 'valuable' association with India today is very close to ending. I hate to say this but this is absolutely the last time I am mailing my statement to you. I will not hesitate in raising this matter with your seniors in Customer Service and failing that in approaching the consumer court."

24April09 - Response from ITBC "With reference to your mail we would like to inform you that there is no any deduction shown from our side in your attached credit card statement, if amount deduct from our side it shown the name of "INDIA TODAY BOOK CLUB or LIVING MEDIA". So kindly confirm to your Bank about your transaction details."

24April09 - My response to ITBC

"Dear xxx. Guess you havnt noticed that there is a page '2' in the statement and you can clearly see a transaction dated 11th March 09 for INR 1498 favouring Living media India Ltd. If you are still unable to see page two... here's some advice... it is the page after Page 1. Are you guys playing games? If yes, I am not enjoying them! "

28April09 - Response from ITBC - "In this regard we would like to inform you that we have forwarded your complaint to our concerned department. Kindly wait for some more time and you will receive your refund very soon."

18May09 - in response to a query from me on the refund status - "With reference to your mail we request you that kindly provide us the scan copy of your credit card statement so that we can check the details and inform you the same."


18May09 - my response to ITBC

"Dear Ms. xxx. Would request you to ‘take some time out’, ‘think’ and then reply to mails (that too after a week of my sending a reminder). I hope you can read the mails below too….. this is not an old case. The statement has already been sent across three times. How is it that you guys manage to find new ways to ‘amaze’ me with your service ‘efficiency’ regularly? "

20May09 - from ITBC - "With reference to your mail we would like to inform you that we have forwarded your mail to our concern department. Kindly wait for 14 working days. We are trying to handover it to you as soon as possible. Very soon we will inform you about the status of your request."

2nd June 09 - after waiting two weeks and not getting any response, i called up and insisted on speaking to the custoemr service manager. He WANTED ME TO SEND THE STATEMENT AGAIN. But assured me he would personally resolve my problem. So I sent the statement one last time - to a different ID marked URGENT and to his attention as he adviced". He promised he would reply the same day with a possible resolution.

6th June 09 - I am finally posting this complaint. 58 DAYS after i was promised a refund. I am still doing the decent thing by NOT NAMING people who have corresponded with me from ITBC. Hope ITBC realises that. However, i have the entire mail trail of the correspondence with me. One thing is for sure - THEY HAVE DEFINITELY LOST A CUSTOMER. I have already advised one friend to NOT PLACE any orders with ITBC.

Hope through tghis website my complaint reaches the right ears in ITBC and i finally get my refund.



Company: India Today Book Club
Country: India
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Order not deliver since MArch

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India Today Book Club
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India Today Book Club

India Today Book Club
Not getting the money refund