Life Indsurance
Policy no 50693942-sum assured Rs 10000/- Revival of policy medical checkup-now saying revival expired on 20/03


Dear Sir,

I have taken the revival quotation on 6/3 along with form No 600.While submitting the form they have advise to go for MRat Sathya Dig, Himayatnagar, Hyderabad. Sathya has told that they have withdrawn from LIC.Again I sent my person to LIC and again he told to go Sathya Dig. My person went there and they have told the same thing that they have withdrawn from LIC the services directly. I went to LIC after coming from out of station and meet AO.BM and Single window people on 26.03.2009.I I have been given Application form in the name of Health India TPA, I went to Health India TPA and they advise me after documentation to Sathya Dig for MR and I went to Sathya Dig, I paid Rs 85/- vie receipt No Pt ID 57550/08 and my check up was done and the Hospital people has given me the report which was endorseded by Health India TPA letter. I have taken all the documents on the same day about 2 pm and wait for lunch time there and after giving the documents to AO, he agrred for revival and signed on the quotation and told me to submit to Single window. The single wiindow pople denied to accept the same and sent me back to AO.Afrer some conversation with the people the AO marked on the paper that Revival not possible. Than I meet to MB Mr Reddy, after his investigation, he has accepted the mistake of the Branch but told I am helpless. As the Quotation expired on 20/03, it can be accomodated by getting special permission from the HO, it was not done.

The Policy was transferred from other state office to Hyderabad, I have not received any intimation after transfer nor received any letter from them. I have inquired from SOJAT City Branch than I found that it was transferred here.

The BO has told me that it is not mandatary to send the intimation. Since 7 years we are not getting any intimation for this policy where as we have so many policies transferred to this offic and getting intimation regularly. Even they are not taking seriously. They are not having any system for snding intimation for survival of policy at there on for renewal.

All the facts are stated and are in serious nature. They should validates. AS per the Medical report it is clear. My correspondance of documets are scaned and attch herewith. pl do the needful. Thanks


Company: Life Indsurance
Country: India
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