Living Media India Limited, India Today Book Club
Missing website told to contact


I had ordered three CDs as per promotional sales offered to me. I had received the CDs vide their invoice No. ORA090081853 dated 25 - Oct - 09; being consigment No. 647790. They have mentioned in the invoice to claim the special offer I have to log on to but the address is not valid. This is cheating on the part of the company. Can this be redressed soon? Otherwise I shall compelled to take appropriate legal action against the company.

Company: Living Media India Limited, India Today Book Club
Country: India
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India Today Book Club
Order not deliver since MArch

India Today Book Club
Money not refunded after 2 months after cancellation of order because of not delivery

India Today Book Club
Non receipt of product and no redressal of complaint

India Today Book Club
India Today Book Club - ONLINE COMPLAINTS

India Today Book Club
I have been cheated by the company's senior/middle level executive


India Today Book Club
Cheated by India Today Book Clu

India Today Book Club
Material not recd after 100 days

India Today Book Club