Living Media India Limited-India Today Book Club
Eing CHEATED by India Today Book Clu


I got an email in my mail-box... that, I have been selected for Rs.6000000 sweep-stake by INDIA-TODAY BOOK CLUB.To be eligible for that Rs.6000000 sweep-stake, I was lured in that mail to buy 3 CD-Pack of Encyclopedia Britannica for Rs.574 (along with postal charge). IN THAT MAIL, IT WAS CLEARLY WRITTEN THAT along with those 3 C.D.s -they would provide 2 FREE GIFTS

1.Adidas bag 2.HOLIDAY PACKAGE for 3 nights and two-days..BUT, TILL DATE NO SUCH BAG HAS BEEN SENT.They have sent an unique loin-id to avail holiday-package offer. WHEN I TRIED TO LOG IN THAT website written in that invoice cum delivery note> I FOUND THAT SUCH SITE DO NOT EXIST... When contacted in the helpline no, they also harrased me unusually...

I WANT TO TAKE LEGAL ACTION AGAINST INDIA-TODAY BOOK CLUB after being cheated by this organisation..

My order no>06A090087418


Company: Living Media India Limited-India Today Book Club
Country: India
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India Today Book Club
Order not deliver since MArch

India Today Book Club
Money not refunded after 2 months after cancellation of order because of not delivery


India Today Book Club
I have been cheated by the company's senior/middle level executive

India Today Book Club
Non receipt of product and no redressal of complaint

India Today Book Club
India Today Book Club - ONLINE COMPLAINTS

India Today Book Club
Cheated by India Today Book Clu

India Today Book Club
Material not recd after 100 days

India Today Book Club