Media Video limited / MVL Limited
Company refusing to refund Advance money


Dear Sir / Madam,

We had applied for 02 Residential Standart Apartments in M/s MEDIA VIDEO LIMITED (Real Estate Division) / MVL Limited in their group housing projects in their future schemes in the month of October.

We had paid Rs 3, 60, 000 vide Receipt no. 10063 and 10064 dated 4th November to be treated as an advance subject to the following conditions.

a) That the company will offer us residential apartments which they may promote in near future within a period of six months.

b) In the event the residential apartments are allotted after nine months, simple interest @ 10% per annum shall be paid to us for the period delayed beyond nine months on the amount paid by us as advance till such time we are allotted residential apartments or adjusted against the price of the residential apartments to be allotted to us.

c) In case the company fails to allot us the apartments within a period of nine months from the date of making the advance payment, then we have the option to withdraw the money and the company will refund the amount within 30 days from the date of application for refund.

d) Though the company shall try to make the allotment but in case it fails to do so for any reason whatsoever, no claim of any nature, monetary or otherwise, would be raised by us except that the advance money paid by us shall be refunded to us with 10% simple interest per annum.

As the company was unable to allot us apartments till January so, on 3rd June we applied for refund of our Advance Money along with 10% interest vide registered post receipt nos. RLADA 3394 & RLADA 3395 dt 03/06 to their registered as well as their marketing offices.

When we did not receive any reply from the we contacted the company's customer care department over the phone and spoke to Ms Radhika Sahdev. She replied that company will not make any refunds. We reminded her the that as per the conditions in the advance registration form to please refund our money. She replied that she will speak to her senior management regarding the same and revert back.

When we did not receive any reply from the company, we sent them a reminder on 14th June through registered post receipt nos RLADA 4166 & RLADA 4167 dt 14th June.

When we did not receive any reply from the company, we again spoke to Ms Radhika Sahdev and she replied that the company had made refunds till December but now they are not giving any refunds. When we inquired if she spoke to her senior management, she replied that they are very busy with the listing of their company in the Stock Exchanges and they could not be contacted.

We told Ms Radhika Sahdev that it has been more that one month since we applied for refund of our advance registration money and till date we have not received any written reply from the company regarding the above letters.

When we said that we will seek legal help in the above issue, she said that do not go legally as we would be wasting our time as the court of law takes very long time to give their verdicts in property cases.

So we decided to beg for help from you. We hope you can understand our situation very well and provide some help from the above issues.

Somebody please help us from this company to get our money back.

We have taken a loan from Citibank to invest in this company. If you do require any proofs we are ready to furnish all details at the earliest.

Thanking you for all your help in advance.

yours truely

Pinaki Ranjan / Pooja Tiwari

Company: Media Video limited / MVL Limited
Country: India
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