Milk packets
Verify adulteration


I stay in Mumbai. I want to know how to verify if the packaged cow milk I get of the company like Amul, Krishna, Chitale, Gokul if the fats is removed or if it is adulterated, as I get a strange smell to the cream which I store for a few days before trying to make butter and there is not enough butter prepared from a bowl of cream.

Company: Milk packets
Country: India
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Adulterated food articles, milk, fruit and vegetables
Adulterated food articles, milk, fruit and vegetables supplied in India - Naresh Kadyan

Adulterated AMUL Milk Packets At A Particular Grocery Store

Nandini Milk
Fake Milk Pkts

Cow-milk mixed (by buffallow milk by adding water in the same)
Milk adultration

AMUL india
Adulteration in Amul milk

Use of poisonus chemicals in milk

Mother diary
Efusal to give milk at 19.55 hrs token milk

Gokul Milk Packets
Selling milk packets for 2 rupees more than printed MRP

Avin Milk
Discontinuance of Milk Cards to Consumers

Amul Taaza Milk
Adulteration in Amul Taaza milk