Non surrender of policy


I had taken a jeewan suraksha policy no. 214374782 for Rs 10, 000/00 only to be metured on 28.03.2009.

Much before the date of meturity, I submitted a request to surrender the policy fulfilling all the required formalities. The policy has not been surrendered, instead yesterday I have received a letter for informing me inability of the LIC to surrender the policy with the plea that the formalities were not complete. This is simply a harrassment. If the formalities were not complete, why I was not informed well in time?

I will not accept any pension etc except the surrender value of the policy.

Appropriate action needs be taken.

Company: Nil
Country: India
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Unfair buisiness Practice and not complying the terms and conditions for surrender benefit

Kotak life Insurance
Non payment of promissed amount

Future Genralli Insurance
Cheat/ Fraud by wrong commitments to sell apolicy

Aviva Life Insurance
Over 25 days of Non payment of Policy Surrender Value

Birla Sunlife Saral Jeevan Policy

Camellia Inst Of Technology
Ad and fake campussing

Ing insurance policy
Wrong information in policy document 01648348