Noise pollution
Noise Pollution in Dombivli West by illegal slums


Along the railway line near Dombivli West, illegal slums have come up since around 30 years ago. They have been now "legitimised" by the local corporators. These slum dwellers play loud noise right from evening till late night and sometimes even beyond, but the police or local authorities have done nothing for all these years.

Recent example is today - February 20, when I had to finally call-up the police station to complain against loud noises being played continuosly.

If any police officer or anyone knowing any police officer is reading this, then I request them to find a permanent solution to the above problem.

Company: Noise pollution
Country: India
State: Maharashtra
City: Thane
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Maruti alto car
Engine noise for 3 years

Noise Pollution

Municipal Corporation of Delhi
Illegal Activities of Ravinder Chaudhary Kotla Councillor and MCD Chairman Central Zone Ward

Municipal Corporation of Delhi
Misuse of MCD by MCD Chairman Ravinder Chaudhary

Girish Kutty
Complain against illegal slums

Goodlink Industries/Malik industries/Mr. Sunny
Subject: Re: Dirtiness Surrounding, Noise, Air, Water Pollution and Shivering/Cracks in the walls of Residents Houses due to industries

Tata Indigo CS LS Dicor
Engine Bell and Rubbing Noise