Nokia 5200
Subscription of Music49 without any permission


On may there is one message came from idea that your Music49 subscription has been activated, but i know that i didn't subscribe it yet i thought that it might be my mistake of pressing some button to subscribe this service. But now on 25 june again this subscription has been activated without my any permission even thoug i called customer care one or two days earlier to unsubscribe my this Music49 service and they said okay, but now when i called customer care about this activation than they said there is call from idea around 4 pm of 25 june on which they activate this service on my mobile again, than i checked my call register and there is no call from idea at that time, yet they said this type of call was not recorded in call register but i know all that previous calls from idea no.are there in my call register and there is no such call but the customer care not satisfied with me and said this service was activated by you only and unneccesarily my balance reduced two times by approx 100rs and i am very disappoint with idea's such service. Beside all these things i again request from customer care to unsubscribe my this service and even all call from idea, lets see what happened now... I want my money back from idea... as this was idea's mistake not mine...

Company: Nokia 5200
Country: India
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