Nokia N73 Music Edition
Complaint regarding faulty nokia handset



I require your help against Nokia. I have purchased a Nokia handset N73 music edition for myself on 9th November. From day one I am facing problem in it. It restarts every now and then. Firstly I mailed my complaint to Nokia on 12th November as it was Diwali and I had to go out of Mumbai (my home town). They advised me in the reply mail to take it to nearest care centre. Immediately on returning to Mumbai on 22nd Nov, 07 I took the handset to the Nokia Care Center, Borivali but since their server was down I had to take it back, then I took on 23, Nov '07 (comp no.210434038/071123/7). They told me it's a software problem, thereafter they returned me the same day

after formating and re-installing the software. But on the same day I found that my problem was not solved and I had to again carry it to care centre on 24th, Nov (comp No. 210434038/071124/24). They again kept it for observation and said it will take 2-3 days. Same day i.e. on 24th Nov, 07, I registered the complaint (No. 2-2MWIW5) With Nokia office at Banglore (ph no.08030303838). Then I came to know that my handset was forwarded to their head office. In between I regularly made calls to inquire about it but got no positive responses. Again on 1st Dec, '07 I gave a call to Nokia to check the status, I was told that I would get my handset not before 10th, Dec '07. Sir, I want you to please take my case as I am facing lot of mental agony even after purchasing a new handset from an authorised dealer. I am a working woman and being left without a phone for last almost a month. I am also a patient of migraine and am suffering a lot due to this problem.

Kindly hear to my plea and solve my problem. I had to spend lot of

money on complaints and travelling to care centre after purchasing an higher end handset for Rs.15000/-.

I would be happy if I get my money back or a new handset in

replacement at the earliest.

Thanking you in anticipation

Mrs. Shruti Manoj Daftardar

Contact No.: 02230851158/9819481653/9920494310

Company: Nokia N73 Music Edition
Country: India
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