Nokia - N81 Mobile HandSet
Mobile Freezes or Hangs too often


I purchased N 81 handset about 3 months back and experiencing terrible issue with the performance. It freezes in the middle of the call and will have no other way to get it work that restarting it. Most of the times, once the phone hangs during the call, the handset turns off and gets turned on by itself, which is unacceptable. Nobody will expect their phone to cut off and restart anytime it wants to.

I'm tired explaining this to Nokia Care, Koramangala, Bangalore. Nobody seems to know about their Product well in Nokia. I had given this handset for service in Nokia Care twice and end result is Zero. Neither they know what the issue is, nor they know how to fix it. My handset was lying with Nokia care for around 15 - 20 days during those two service attempts. They told me that the issue has been fixed, but its the same damn issue.

Now, today its 03rd Nov. I'm going to the same Nokia Care for the third time. If this issue persists further, I'll go to the consumer court and I have a very simple question to ask Nokia. I have bought a handset from Nokia spending about 15, 000 Rs INR and expect it to work without freezing or hanging in the middle of any call I receive. Is this too much of expectation from a consumer end? Is your phone not designed to work this way? When theres a huge competition in the mobile industry, we trust Nokia and buy it thinking that it will work better than any other mobile in the market. Now, what is the solution for this issue that I'm facing.

Whom can we contact to get this addressed? are Nokia managers getting paid to work on customers complaint? where are they? I have posted the same message in under feedback section. I dont see any contact to send this out.

I''m starting a campaign called "Never Buy Nokia" and publishing my experience online in my own website. My concerns are valid and so my friends. They even warned me not to get into Nokia products, and its my fault. Anybody who would like to post their genuine technical experience with Nokia phones and havnt got a response from Nokia may send an email to with all details. I dont know if our issue is going to be solved by Nokia, but i'm sure we can save many people from this sick Nokia Product and their poor after sale service / support.

Company: Nokia - N81 Mobile HandSet
Country: India
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