Panchkula Gas Serrvice, Sector 17, Panchkula
Employees of Panchkula Gas Service do not attend Telephone


The owner of the Panchkula Gas Service, Sector-17, Panchkula has provided two Telephoe Numbers 2562461 and Number 6572461 for public for booking of Gas. It is seen that the employees of the abovesaid Gas service do not attend the Telphones. Some times they remove the hand Set from the Telephone and public during dialing abovesaid Telephone numbers hears the engage tone. Whenever any person visist the abovesai company for booking of Gas Cyllender and ask about the reasons for not attending the Telphones, the employees of abovesaid Company mis behave with that person and treat them rudely. This is a very serious issue, becuase if due to any reasons the there is leakage of Gas at any customer's house and any help os required by that customer, then he can not made complaint to abovesaid company due to non atteandance of Telephone and knowingly keeping the Telephones engaged by the employees of the Panchkula Gas service Can cause sever hazard at the residance of that customer.

In view of above it is requested that matter may kindly be enquired in to about the seriuous issue and action against officials who caused inconvenience to the public and can cause sever Hazards that can happen at any time due to non attendance of Telphones bya the employees sof the of the Panchchkula Gas Service, Sector 17 please.

Company: Panchkula Gas Serrvice, Sector 17, Panchkula
Country: India
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