Airtel CallHome
Atrocious customer service or a scam?


To whomsoever it may concern (if you are bothered at all about your clients)

Our phones line went down on the morning of 19/2 at around 10:30 and we were unable to dial in or dial out. We lodged a complaint with number and were told by the agent that this would be sorted out within the next two hours i.e by 14:37. We were waiting till about 16:00 hours but the phones were still no working. I called the helpline again and were told that the lines would be up and running by evening. But they were still down. We called the helpline and were assured that the lines would be working by next morning 10:30 am which did NOT happen.

20/2 I called the helpling again and were told that this problem would be sorted out by another two hours. I demanded to speak to one of the seniors/floor supervisors but was told that they were too busy to talk to me and that they would call me back. I did not recieve any call form them. After waiting for another 3 hours I called the helpline again and on wanting to speak to someone senior was once again told that they are busy and not in their seat and they would call me back. AGAIN there was no call. I called the helpline YET again and demanded to speak to a senior, I was put through a senior technician who assured me that the lines would be working by another 2 hours time. The helpline also gave me technician's direct number. When my phone lines were still not working I called on his mobile which was switched off. It was off for the rest of the day and I was unable to get through to him at all. Feeling helpless I called the helpline again and was told that the phones would be working by the evening of 20/2 which did NOT happen. The helpline once again/ as usual assured me that the phones would be working by the next morning.

Today 21/2 at 10:00 am the phones are still not working.

As a multinational company that we are, we were hoping to see some professionalism from a multinational company like yours, clearly I was wrong. Your company especially the seniors IN THE CALL CENTERS lack professionalism and are absolutely imcompetent in every sense of the word. I say this not, because you were unable to get my phones working, I say this because the seniors hide behind their call center agents and refuse to speak to the customers and tell them what the actual problem is. and this is was the time when i needed information from them.

we are absolutely livid by the attitude adopted by the call centers of your organization. the least expected out of an organization like yours is telling your custmers specific time frame in which the problem being faced will be sorted. I have been running from pillar to post for the past 2 days in order just to know when i will be able to dial in and out of the phones. apprently no one has an answer. if i had to do that why would i go for a private service provider?

looking at the careless, slack and sloppy attitude like yours i am sure you have no idea what it means to have telephone lines not working in a commodity brokerage firm like ours. in case you dont realise phones are our lifelines and out of the 10 hours that we work we spend at least 5 on the phone. our clints need to talk to us all the time and all of a sudden we being uncontactable to them will throw us out of the sysytem as they will go on to the next best broker which means we have just lost out on business and whose fault is that? its yours.

Having said that i fail to understand what i am paying the minimum bill of INR 12, ooo which is set to go up. its a complete waste of money. im paying that amount for not getting answers to my queries, being avoided by seniors at customer care centers, not being able to dial in and out of phones, being given numbers of incompetent technicians who keep ther mobiles phone off and avoid calls of customers

may as well burn the money right!!!

latest development i just called a technicial man he has no idea that our phones are down for the past 2 days.

please be advised that very shortly the indian press and the consumer forum is going to learn about this inept, inefectual and incompetent attitude and behaviour of airtel.

thanks and best regards,

himanshu sharma (an upset customer)

Company: Airtel CallHome
Country: India
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