Economic Times
Not getting subscribed copies

Newspapers & Magazines

I have paid Rs.299.00 foer One year subscription for Economic Times on 08.11.2010. As per the agreement subscription will last on 08.11.2011.Since 15 days I am not getting the paper. On contacting Mangalore office, I am not getting the right answer Only option left to me is to book the cheating case against the company. In the middle also they are have not distributed the paper for a number of days.

Company: Economic Times
Country: India
State: Karnataka
City: Dakshina Kannada
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Bsnl land line phone kanpur
Dead phone

Femina magazine
Non receipt of subscription copy

OVERNITE EXPRESS – Domestic & International Courier
Paket not deliver yet after 8days of dispatch

Airtel mobile-bangalore
Deduction of charges without accessing anything

Economic Times
Economic times copies are not being issued to me since a month inspite of sunscrining for a yea

Airtel Broadband
Faulty connection

Regarding GPRS Connection
