Living Media India Limited
No Response on free holiday trip

Newspapers & Magazines

We have brought bokks worth Rs 3198/- under invoice number ORA090074684 dated 10/Dec. We are offered free holiday trip with to & fro airfare at designited place. We are alloted login web id 1431393 and unique number to claim this special offer 14313935A90074684. We have completed the formalities as per the advise from the site and sent holiday booking form (voucher number ITBC11988) with a demand draft of Rs 899/- payable to Premer Sales Promotion Pvt ltd and air booking form number IT22571 and posted to Premiere Sales Promotion Pvt Ltd PO Box No 5042, Bangalore 560001, Telephone No 080 4055 4870. on 12/Feb. Till today we have not received any communication and no response to the telephone.

Company: Living Media India Limited
Country: India
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Online complaint for indiatodaybook club, not able to reddem free holiday voucher of 5000 Rs


Bsnl land line phone kanpur
Dead phone

Not able to avial Holiday Vouche

Holiday voucher not recived

India Today Book Club
Money not refunded after 2 months after cancellation of order because of not delivery

India Today Book Club
I have been cheated by the company's senior/middle level executive