Blue Dart
Dont know business, dont have manners

Politics & Government

Well, this is about a credit card delivery.

I called HSBC Bank once on 16th October for a renewal card and they assured me delivery by 20th. I called them back on 22nd only to find that it is Blue Dart couriers who did not deliver the consignment. So I called Blue Dart on 22nd.

I had to call them 13 times to finally get to speak with someone. And when I got someone, I was told that I am not available in the city! Well, no problem. I told them I'll be leaving the city by 24th evening and if I can get the card today. They said someone will deliver the same to me tomorrow positively. I gave them two mobile numbers, just in case and told them this is very important for me. They took it lightly. Knowing their past pathetic services, I still repeated thrice to ask the delivery man to get to me as I will wait full day for him only in the house!

23rd afternoon: I call them to ask about the consignment. Please note I again had to call 11 times to get to someone!

Response: Sir, you were not available at your residence!

Me: That's untrue as I was specifically waiting only for my card the whole precious day

Response: We can't help it!

Me: "Of course I was angry at getting no solution"

Response: Thank you for calling Blue Dart sir, BANG the phone goes!!!

Is this the way to speak to a customer?

...that too after such a pathetic service!!!

Now I'll be gone for a few months; how do I get my card? And who do I speak with? To get what response?

Company: Blue Dart
Country: India
State: Gujarat
City: Ahmedabad
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ICICI Bank Credit Card
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Blue Dart Courier
Non delivery of dox

Nmart fraud

Blue Dart
Non delivery of Shipment AW No. 44380514312

Moa copy of aurum

Blue Dart Express Ltd
This is regarding non-shipping of Credit Card

INDIRA NAGAR, Bangalore, Karnataka - FAKE COMPANY!!!