Cyber cafe charged for not maintaining registe

Politics & Government

Hi i have cyber cafe & i have been charged for not maintaining log register by cyber crime department & information tech department,

how can it is possible to maintain the log book with ID proof / other relevent documents, when no one / sourounding (nighbour) cafes not perticular about the issue, if i follow to insist for id proofs from customers / i will loose my business, becouse other cyber cafes are not perticular about the same,

also i like to say that, one side our govt is very much soft corner on internet service providers, serch engine companies, they (govt) are not making any effort to regulate opening mail accounts / any type of web acounts (one can open n number of accounts with ananumus / fake names by this our govt is supporting to ISP business lobby but other side our govts are implimenting strict laws on cyber cafes, i feel it is just harrasing a commen man

please provide me the solution regarding the issue

Company: Infinity
Country: India
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