Misbehaviour of conducto

Politics & Government

I was an unfortunate passenger of your KSRTC bus going to Gokarn from Hubli on 6th February of your HUBLI-TADRI bus. As per the scheduled timing, the bus should have departed at 8.30 A.M. from New Bus stand Hubli. When I reached Bus Stand it was 8.20a.m. I was told by the Plat form controller {superviser } that the said bus had left the bus stand. However he was kind enough to advise me to board another bus which was also going to old Bus stand. Accordingly i came to the old bus stand by 8.35 A M and was fortunate enough to get Gokarn bus in old bus stand. It was at 9.00 A.M.that the Bus left old Bus stand.

While purchasing the ticket I enquired with the conductor about the departure time from New Bus Stand who was casually stating that he would have left just few minutes before. Due to heavy traffic of trucks we could reach Ankola arround 1.45P.M. Since it was continuous journey for nearly five long hours I got down from the bus to relieve myself after informing the other co passanger that I would be back in few Minutes. However the bus had left to Gokarn before I came back from the urinal.

I may inform you that I am a Senior citizen and I was sitting right behind the seat of the conductor. More over to avoid anybody occupying the seat I had kept my hand bag on the seat itself. What is more, I was the one of the 2/3 passangers travelling from Hubli to Gokarn.

When I enquired with Ankola Bus Stand Controller who expressed his helplessness and was kind enough to furnish me with Gokarn Bus Sand Phone Number. Immediately I contacted the controller on 256233 and requested him to take care of my luggage. He was kind enough to enquire about the type of luggage so that he could identify the luggage.

When I arrived at 2.45 p.m. (As there was no direct bus immediately to Gokarn from Ankola), the Controller was kind enough to hand over luggage to me. However when I enquired about the complaint book he had advised me to submit a written complaint.

I would like to know

1] Exact departure time of the bus from New Bus Stand [starting point]

2]Is it not the duty of the conductor to check whether all the onward journey passengers are counted/verified.

3]WHETHER the driver and conductor can take their own decision and cut short the destination.[The bus did not go to Tadri and left back to Hubli from Gokarn itself ]

4]Who is responsible for all the inconveniences I had to undergo physical and mental.

5]whether KSRTC make good of my financial loss.

I will be grateful to have your reply on all the above points lest I may have to take up with your Higher Authorities.

Thanking You, I remain,

Yours truely

Company: KSRTC
Country: India
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Refund of failed transaction

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Misbehavior of the conducto

Bus did not arrive

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