Dollar biscuits cp25 britannia
Sewage disposal is not maintained properly


Name: Dollar biscuits cp25 britannia

address: panapakkam, near padapai, via thambaram

exact mapping: (12.8691669N 79.9708235E in

The Above mentioned company doesn't maintain it's sewage disposal properly... and it also produce bad smell in the area around it (sri krishna engineering college)... the students studying in the college are not able to tolerate the smell evolved from the sewage and it also makes the people around it to unable to breath... already we have warn that company about this problem.they did not take any action regarding this problem...

i have attached the photographs of flow of sewage over the waste land beside that company...

i hope that you will solve this problem...

Company: Dollar biscuits cp25 britannia
Country: India
State: Tamil Nadu
City: Chennai
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