Reebok India
Poor quality Reebok Shoes

Shops & Trade

Defective shoes having manufacturing defect

I paid Rs 1992/- for the shoes when a 15% discount sale was on on 7th June.

I was happy with the product but to my surprise, after 30 days use of one or two times only the plastic of the back side of the both shoes started cracking and come off in small pieces. I approached the retailer imm but he refused to change the shoes saying that he can not replace the shoes because currently 40 % sale is going on and he can only replace it once this sale is over.

From last four months i am visiting the store regularly to get my pair of shoes replaced but every time i have been sent back saying that the 40% sale is still on and come after next. Please help me to get my shoes repaced from the company. I hope the concerned authorities will intervene in this matter provide a solution to me as early as possible.


Anuj Sood


Retain store address :

Reebok India Company

Mitva Lifestyle Pvt. Ltd.

SCO-5, Special Huda Market

Sector 19, Faridabad122002

bill no.169, dated 07/06

Company: Reebok India
Country: India
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