Just dial pvt. ltd
Complaint against Justdial, justdial.com is fraud

Shops & Trade

My self roshan kumar, managing director of arisen technologies. I have registerd with justdial as a reseller by paying them 4999/- Per reseller seat / ID, I have taken two sets. My justdial reseller ID are r0120331524, r0120632211.

As a reseller we have to collect business detail with photo of business and submit it to just dial by there login panel. Just dial is saying that the payment is given to us in as mention in "reseller. Justdial.Com/Paymentdetails.Html" page. After a audit of data and photo.

Now the problem is that we work for just dial submited the data with photo but

what photo we enter in the month of february they DID not pay us till now for that as in photo audit report they write 4 photo is rejected out of 390, and 5 photo is rejectd out of 190 photo for respected ID, they DID not provide the rest photo detail and write down the 0 payout for both of my ID, when I contact with just dial they told me that its a technical issue and for that I have contact just dial's officers I do that also but there is no response till now as it is already 3 month and my issue is pending till now, as per email attached with this complaint


just dial is not providing us the detail audit report of the data we enter even we enter full data but they will not pay us full payment as mention in payment page. Justdial is just providing a summary of data/ Photo audit with no base as per email attached


I want resolution on my february photo audit report and I want detail report of the data audit by justdial.

Company: Just dial pvt. ltd
Country: India
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Pakka fraud fellow
Pakka fraud fellow

Denis Idiotic fellow
Denis (fraud fellow)

Denis Bullshit
Denis Bullshit

S t a m i i n u s Dot n e t

S T A M I N U S . N E T

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