Pathetic quality and no replacement

Shops & Trade

I bought a pair of sandals at Mylapore outlet in December. There was a 3 month guarantee on sole cracks. That raised my eye-brows. Interestingly, after a few weeks of usage, cracks developed across in both the sandals. I went for the replacement and was given the same after I had to give the original bill. However, when asked about replacement for the replacement incase it fails too, there was no answer. The replacement failed too in a couple of weeks.

On going to store where I had paid for such a pathetic product, the store incharge raised his hands. I asked for the customer complaint contact details.

Here is the interesting part:

I call the given number and the person asks all details and then gives me another number to call at. I call the other number and narrate the entire story all over again. This person tells me that the person-in-charge is "out for lunch" (at 2:30 PM IST) and asked me to call after 1/2 hour. I yell my anger and he assures me a call back. After having not received a call back for 1.5 hours, I call to find out that working hours have ended and everyone has left for the day.

I could not find the contact information of anyone senior in the company to give a piece of my mind yet. I am going ahead with filing a case with the consumer court. Let us see what is next.

Company: Khadim
Country: India
State: Tamil Nadu
City: Chennai
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