Living Media India Limited
Refund of amount

Shops & Trade

I have ordered for a Samsung Handicam through India Today book club. Along with handicam, other two consignments (contents not known) were also sent to me. But I rejected the items and requested to refund the amount. It is replied that the same is not reached at the office of Living Media India Limited. Also, I was not able to claim the special offer given to me along with the handicam. The site is under repair from 31-08 onwards.

Company: Living Media India Limited
Country: India
State: Kerala
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India Today Book Club
Money not refunded after 2 months after cancellation of order because of not delivery

India Today Book Club
I have been cheated by the company's senior/middle level executive

Indian Railways refund
Indian Railways reservation refund

India Today Book Club

India Today Book Club
Efund amount not received

Booked online train ticket
URGENT: Reversal of ticket PNR NO- 4202209268

India Today Book Club
Non refund of amt

Beware of Frdulent mail from sowmya chandrasekaram and arul khanna