


I have two idea post paid connections. I have issues with both the numbers.

1) I have been charged roaming on 18th of April This is very much wrong as I was in my local circle only. Secondly 18th april was a part of last billing cycle but the idea people have included it in this billing cycle i.e bill of may. I was on roaming till 17 april mid night, I can very much prove that by giving the train number through which I was travelling. On 18th april I was in my local circle. This issue is for both the number i.e 9640 809 791 and 9640 809 792.

2) This month on 14th may i have been charged 203.60 rupees for 3G Internet usuage, I have not been using these services from many days but then also this amount is charged. I am sure this is an wrong amount charged, I gave a request to waive the same or provide me the details of the usuage, I want to know the details of these 203.6 charged to me, details like what I surfed etc etc. This issue is for number 9640809792

I have been constantly asking the idea people to provide me the bits and details of both these issues, but the idea executives are reluctant to understand and they say that the charges are as per there records and there records are completely right.

Mr. Sairam, a customer executive asked me to mail the issues to Ccare.

to get all the details of my calls and what all I surfed, but I haven’t yet received the information of what all I have surfed.

This is not the first time there is problem with the billing, ...last time it was in month of feb when i was charged wrong roaming charges for sms.

3) I have been sending mails regarding the following issue since 6 months... but no action has yet been taken... following is the issue-

I had taken IDEA Connection - CUG in june/ july. I took two connections and paid a deposit of 500. The idea excutive kept fooling me for the receipt of my deposit. He finally said that he will sms me the receipt number. But when i enquired with that number it does not show any deposit. I have been trying to reach that executive. But he is not answering my call and just trying to fool me.

Following are the details-

my name- Amit kumar Jain

my number - 9640809792

executive name- Amin

Amin's number- 9848004025

I have mailed IDEA thrice regarding this... everytime I get a answer that action will be taken.

For all this three issues I get calls from different idea executive, every executive gives me a different answers. So many executives calls up, gives different answers and confuses the matter. But they don’t try to solve the matter and just fool the customer. Out of these 3 request IDEA has closed my first two request without reaching any consensus with the customer i.e with me. Infact one executive from the billing department called me up and said that the charges will be waived but few mins after that IDEA didnt care to waive any amount rather they just closed my request.

All these matter does not relate to huge amount of rupee, it may ony 550- 600 rupess, but I request you to please take this matter on priority basis as the question is not regarding money, its regarding the truth and stopping these telecom companies to exploit the customers.


Amit Jain.

Company: Idea
Country: India
State: Andhra Pradesh
City: Hyderabad
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IDEA cellular ltd

Idea Cellular Limited
On-line recharge ordeal

Idea cellular company
Echarged with 110 but balance not available

Idea Cellular

IDEA / post paid to pre paid (9837068636)
Misguide and cheating (Tampering my ID)


Incompetence or Fraud