Bag it Today (India Today)
Delay in the processing

Traveling & Tourism

I ordered for a travel voucher from the above mentioned group and after receiving the voucher i filled the form and have sent it but there is no reply from them. According to there booklet they are suppose to call within 3 days but when they didn't call I had to call them and ask them and they replied saying that the booking is under process. I have been calling them since more than 15 days and receiving the same reply. Few of my friends and relatives have booked for the voucher and are facing similar problem. I even registered a complaint regarding this on their site but they haven't reply yet. Kindly help regarding this matter.

Company: Bag it Today (India Today)
Country: India
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Hcl, HCL EZEEBEE -1115 (computer)
Complaint HCL EZEEBEE carrying serial number 6097AZ176288

ITrust BPO Solutions
High class BPO only give special training programs

Indian Postal service
Non delivered speed post letters and going wrong address

India Post Office
Speed Post not Found

India Post
Non-delivery to recepient

India Today Book Club
Order not deliver since MArch

Emirates Airlines
Missing valuables from baggage
