Country Inn by Carlson
Prestige Club is a Fraud and Cheat!! Beware!

Traveling & Tourism

I had been offered (by phone) and subscibed to a membership of the Prestige Club of Country Inn by Carlson, at Jaipur, in Sept. 2010.

Along-with the other associated benefits, I had been given 1 Voucher for a complimentary night at the hotel and 1 Voucher for a room at a reduced rate of Rs.2, 500/-(taxes paid) for 1 night (all incl. breakfast). The price was Rs.6, 000/- for the


A Ms. Shweta had called me up from their office in Delhi, from no. 01165098877, and sold me the Membership (No.) alongwith the card and Vouchers. At that time I had been promised that rooms (if any available in the hotel) would be given to me. This due to the fact that I was a bit apprehensive about the EXACT thing that is happening now.

I had tried to book a room in November but was not able to do so due to non-availability of rooms. I had got angry at them that time also.

Today i.e. 09/06 again I have tried to book both my vouchers (the complimentary and the Rs.2, 500/- one), for 12/06 Sunday. I had already checked the availability of 2 rooms on the net and through their reservations. I sent them an e-mail requesting them to confirm. They never replied to the mail (So very professional, sell and forget the service).

On contacting Pretige Club at Jaipur by phone on 0141-4033300, a Ms Anna tells me that they do not have any room available for the day I want to book. On a ittle persistence, she lets it slip that there are ONLY 4 ROOMS ALLOCATED for the Prestige Club.

This was not acceptable to me, as I had already clarified this point at the time of membership purchase. Either they were lying to make the sale or they were lying today, to avoid giving me the bookings. I asked her to reply to my e-mail, stating this. She point blankly refused and said that she would not give it to me in writing.

She in fact then asked me to call up their Senior Manager Mr. Saxena on his mobile 9672234545 . He told me the same thing.

When I got angry with him, that they had cheated me and were comitting fraud, he said that he had no room available. I told him that I had already confirmed with their resertvation, and on the net, he said he would try to see what he could do.

Within 5 minutes, a Mr. Albert calls me up and repeats the same story. I ask him to get me the seniormost persons available, so that I can clarify this. He again gives me the no. of Ms Saxena.

I contact Mr. Saxena again, he repeats the same excuse. (AMAZING). When I get angry at him, telling him that they are out to cheat and defraud people, he starts interrogating me!! LIKE-- Who sold me the membership? We do not have anyone named Shweta?

The Delhi office was a franchise who has been put on hold! who confirmed me the availability of ANY rooms for the 12th June at their reservation desk? Give him the name of the person who confirmed!!

Finally DISGUSTINGLY he told ME to call THEIR reservation desk once again and then get back to him after confirming the name of the person who told me of availability of rooms (His job I think). WHY? Why this whole rigmarole and lies?

This was just too much for me. I went online (to the site itself), and booked 2 rooms immediately, to prove the availability of rooms in the hotel.

These can be seen as attachments.

From my sources later, I came to know that Country Inn by Carlson at Khasa Kothi, Jaipur, is bleeding money, and these may be the gimmicks they are trying to get money in. If this is true, it bodes really BAD for Carlson Wagollit as a group, for Country Inn Jaipur and especially bad for the Owners Mr. Goyal (I think of the old Goyal Fashions family of Jaipur).

This was the 1st time I had bought their membersip. I have been a member of Rajputana (of Rajputan Sheraton, Jaipur) for a few years, and never faced this kind of problem. Even they have had to refuse me rooms, but on verifying they were ACTUALLY sold out. There was never an issue of allocation of a certain no. of rooms etc.

This is waht I am hit with even after clarifying from their seller about this very specific problem. I think Country Inn, Jaipur persons are extremely RUDE, and are out to CHEAT and DEFRAUD their patrons. They do not know thow to honour their commitments. In fact they do not even know the meaning of the word HONOUR!! Shamefull.

Now what should I do to bring them to books? I have my email sent to them, their welcome letter sent with the membership (where no restrictions OR ALLOCATIONS are mentioned), and also no reply to my booking request has been received.

HELP and beware of these Fraudsters!!

Company: Country Inn by Carlson
Country: India
State: Rajasthan
City: Jaipur
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Pakka fraud fellow
Pakka fraud fellow

Denis Idiotic fellow
Denis (fraud fellow)

Denis Bullshit
Denis Bullshit

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