Indian Railway
Theft of cash of RS. - in AC -2 coach

Traveling & Tourism

I was travelling in AC-2 coach (seat no. AB-19) of mahananda express (Train no-4084). i boarded at allahabad at around 8: 00pm on 23. 08. 09.

and i took my seat .there wer no co- passengers in my compartment of coach.BY 10: 00 pm kept all my belongings (including my vallet) to my carrying bag and, keptmy carrying bag below the seat (as mine was the lower seat) switched off the light and fall asleep.

At around 2: 30 pm when i wake up i saw light of my compartment is on and attendant of coach is doing something (by laying down)

on being asked he told that heis switching on the light of gallery. AS i was in very drowsy, i told him to go out of compartment and again fall asleep.

when i wake up in the morning at 5: 00 am, as i had to get down at barauni station, i statrted checking all my belongings.

on search it is being found that cash of RS.-which was the only amount persent in my vallet is missing.

AS i was left with no money, so i became helpless. On enquiry the name of coach attendent who had come in night was found Rinku kumar yadav. No complaint register was found in coach to register a complaint.

Insted of getting down at barauni station i got down at begusarai station, i met to station in charge over there, he told that this caseis pertaining to GRP. i went to GRP, no one was found there, i kept waiting for around one hour but went in vain.

This is clear case of theft.

i request that a case against the attendent of coach Rinku kr. yadav must be registered and action should be initiated against him.

Company: Indian Railway
Country: India
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Car Insurance
Non settlement of claim

General insurance
Non receiving of policies


Booked online train ticket
URGENT: Reversal of ticket PNR NO- 4202209268

Part time jobs

Indian Railways
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On behalf of Parents of Mahila Samithi English High School, Thakurli
Mismanagement at Mahila Samiti English High School, Thakurli

Indian Railways
Indian Railway