A case of Harassment, Cheating and Fraud

Traveling & Tourism

Subject: A case of Harassment, Cheating and Fraud to the membership holder, by Mr. Rakesh Ranjan and Mr. K K Jha, employee's of CountryClub, 412/1. DDA Building-I (Above) Barista, Janak Puri.


I would like to bring in your kind notice, the harassment, cheating and fraud your team members [Rakesh Ranjan, K K Jha] are playing so as to bring innocent customers like me, in their trap, just to fulfill their greedy ntentions of fulfilling their targets.

I have bought a White membership of Rs. 70, 000/- for resort vacations from your company.

Few Promises made to me by these two individual, so that I can take the membership before I took it, are as follows:

1. Free 22" LCD Samsung TV for which I was not supposed to give any references under MGM, as promised by Mr. Rakesh & Mr. Jha.

2. A 2-day free tour to Dubai/Domestic which included all expenses to be borne by CountryClub, as promised by Mr. Rakesh.

Few Cheatings/Frauds/harassment done to me by these two individuals, are as follows:

1. As I had taken the memership on EMI basis from ABN Amro for 3 yrs duration, these two individuals told me that the EMI will come out to be Rs.1900/ per month for 3 years, on which I agreed to take the membership. But once the money was trasferred to CountryClub from ABN Amro, I came to know that 30% of the total amount of Rs. 70, 000/-, I have to pay in the very next month as per the tie up policies between CountryClub and ABN Amro, which was a hard shock to me as neither Mr. Rakesh nor Mr. Jha had told me about that and that I had no money by then to repay such a big amount to ABN Amro. On my question to Mr. Jha and Mr. Rakesh for this, they told me that I dont know how the credit card policies work and that whether I have used credit card before?

So, I had to take another loan of Rs. 25000/- from the market at a interest rate of 7%, so that I can pay this huge amount as my 1st installment to ABN Amro and for this loan amount of Rs. 25000, I have to shell out another Rs.1700 from my pocket so as to repay it.

2. I have not got any LCD till date and the reason for it Mr. Rakesh is giving to me is that as I am not giving him any references under MGM [ which actually I was not supposed to, as per the commitment and promised made to me by Mr. Rakesh], its taking time and he doesn't know when actually I will get it.

3. About the 2-day tour, I think Mr. Rakesh has actually forgot that. Isn't that Strange.

4. Mr. Rakesh doesn't pick my calls as now I have already got in to the trap of CountryClub by becoming its member.

5. Mr. Rakesh is least bothered to call me back even if he says so that he will.

6. Mr. Rakeah is not at all bothered to give a sensible and professional responce to his customers.

I think that these team members are not only bringing a Black Spot on your name [as you are the B.U.H Sales & Markt.], they are putting a black spot on CountryClub as well, as all I my references which I would have given to you, will now think before they fell in your trap.

I would request you to please sort out all these problems at the earlier and fulfill all the promises and commitments made to me



Ashish Ajmani.

Country: India
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