Best Western Resort Country Club, Manesar, India
Cheating/ defrauding

Traveling & Tourism

We were by Best Western Resort Country Club, Manesar, India and have hence filed a complaint (complaint No. 579) in the Consumer Courts, Sheikh Serai. The case is sub-judice. The summary of my complaint is below:


• We were enticed on 13th Sept’ 2000 into buying a time share with Resort Country Club, Manesar for a “ One Bedroom Apartment”—Red Week (Priority over White and Blue week). At least one week of booking with a resort of one’s choice from RCI’s list of almost 4000 International and 70 resorts in India was allowed per year.

• We paid full money of Rs. 76, 600/- on 13th Sept’ 2000 i.e. on day one.

• We were told that we would receive our membership certificate and card within one month and the RCI membership within 6 weeks.

• However we did not receive anything despite reminders. After 5 months in Feb’ 2000 we received our membership certificate which was from the year 2002 to 2032 (alternate 16 years) so that we couldn’t start availing our holiday before 2002. What a joke! We pay in full in the year 2000 with a promise to use our holidays within 2 months but can’t start our holiday before the year 2002!

• We protested and finally in July i.e. after 10 months RCC apologized by sending a person to our home and rectified the “Agreement” and gave us a new “membership certificate” with amendments to pacify us by making it for 15 consecutive years.

• After constantly prodding RCC we got out RCI membership too (which was RCC’s job) in late July i.e. 10 months (i.e. almost 44 weeks against the promise of 6 weeks) from our date of paying.

• The RCC membership card was not received by us even until Jan’2002 i.e. 16 months later (see our letter dated 28th Jan to RCC)

• We could not avail our holidays for the years 2000 and 2001. This was despite the promise of at least 3weeks—one welcome week, one ownership week each for the years 2000 and 2001. We got none. Thanks to the slip shoddy job by RCC

• The only satisfying holiday that we ever got thru RCI was at Toshali Resorts, Shillon Bagh, Shimla in the year 2003. We tried Toshali again in the year 2005 (which we could not avail) and in 2006 (the bitter experiences of which are narrated in out letter to RCI)

• In the years 2003 and we were given “Studio Apartment” by RCI at Bhimtal and Toshali respectively despite our higher entitlement of “One Bedroom Aptt.). This was despite the fact that both resorts had surplus “One Bedroom” accommodation available. There has been an attitude of denial throughout by RCI

• Most of the times we could not get our 1st, 2nd, and 3rd choice during our kids’ vacations even though we asked months in advance. We had to adjust to RCI’s dictates of what was available. Ajit Bhawan in Jodhpur in summer and club Mahindra resort in Binsar were two such destinations which were practically imposed on us. Country Inn, Bhimtal was another. Though the resort was nice yet the timing given to us was inconvenient. We had to travel thru U.P. during Holi—another nightmare when our vehicle was attacked by a mob of 50 people and 2 window panes were broken by the mob. We reached the resort with my kids and wife bleeding with the vehicle full of broken glass. During Holi few would venture thru U.P. for a holiday—the resort was fairly vacant and RCI could only provide us this despite our asking for a resort in Himachal Pradesh

• In the past 5 years from 2005 till we have been able to avail only one holiday in 2006 (that too unsatisfactorily) of 2 weeks at Toshali& 2 weeks at one place only because RCI couldn’t offer us any other choice out of the various choices in Himachal Pradesh.

• We have been paying up our dues regularly to RCC and the RCI excepting the annual subscription of Rs. 7000/- for the year 2009 which we have withheld for reasons above

• Apart from this Rs. 1, 36, 253/-, exchange and utility charges have been given to RCI and the respective resorts from time to time. If we include these, our total investment would be around Rs. 2 lakh the interest on which alone would give us a decent hassle-free holiday every year with freedom to choose time and place. But now we are just slaves of RCI and RCC paying them every year without commensurate benefit.

• Both RCC and RCI have been deficient in service and have taken us for a ride

This is an eye-opener for those investing in time-shares--don't enslave yourself!

Those having similar experiences and wanting to discuss and have more details can contact me after 12 P.M.any day on 9899901426

Satish Sharma,


C-2/2499, Vasant Kunj, New Delhi-110070

Company: Best Western Resort Country Club, Manesar, India
Country: India
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