India Today Book Club
Cheating and not honouring the commitments

Traveling & Tourism

I had Purchased a holiday package from on March 13th from India Today Book Club (Bagit), Order ID is: 1003626367,

During the time of purchase I informed telesales executive Mr Vishal (mobile No9716059562) that i would purchase the Package Provied that i will allowed to split the holiday (7N/8D).

Mr Vishal Confirmed to me that it possible to split the package with two conditions .ie 1. the Hotel /Resort Chain has to same

All Location have to be in india. It was agreeable to me, and I purchased the Voucher Trusting your sales person's assurance and also considering the fact the Bagit today was backed by reputed india Today Group and Credible.

3. Vishal offered me second deal, that if a i purchased a second voucher same day or refered a friend, i am entitled for a travel bag and a sunglasses as a gift, so i purchased a second voucher same day considering the gift.

4.On Mar 13, I Received a Email detailing the offer and with an attachment containing list of resorts

5. I Neither rececived a travel bag nor sunglasses till date, i tried calling vishal, his mobile was switched off thereafter

6.On Oct 17 i had sent a mail to to redeem my voucher, To my utter shock and dissapointment, i recieved a mail stating the i cant split my holiday package (2 different location on consicutive days but same resort chain)

5.My subsquent emails and complaints had no response

6.On Jan 11, i sent DD for Rs 750 as per their terms and condition for Redeming travel voucher, along with it i sent Prefered destination and resort (from the list they provided), that i would like to visit with date option.

7.On 14 jan, i recieved a mail from them stating that the resort (Mahindra holidays) which i have selected is not in their list even though it very much in the list.

8.On 16th Jan I Made 12 Calls to their customer care, First call was recieved and after listening to my complaint, i was kept on hold for 12 min before disconnecting the line . all the subsequent calls were disconnected

It is clear from above incident that India Today Book Club (BagIt) conducts it business in a fraudulant manner, cheating and misleading people to sell their non existant offer.

I would like to India today Book Club to honour thier commitment or REFUND the Entire amount

Company: India Today Book Club
Country: India
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Airtel Cheate

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India Today Book Club
Order not deliver since MArch

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India Today Book Club - ONLINE COMPLAINTS

India Today Book Club
Cheated by India Today Book Clu

India Today Book Club
Material not recd after 100 days

India Today Book Club
Non receipt of product and no redressal of complaint

India Today Book Club
Not delivering service/product after getting payment

India Today Book Club
Money not refunded after 2 months after cancellation of order because of not delivery