Tata Sky
Tata Sky Dealers or...?

TV & Radio

I would like to share my bitter experience with Tata sky dealer m/s. Jayanth Auto agencies, Mysore. I had purchased a TATA SKY DIGICOM vide his invoice no. 636 dt. 03-09 for Rs.2999=00 at 13.00 hrs. I even paid additional Rs.1500=00 by cash towards the installation charges, totaling Rs. 4499=00. At 13.40 hrs, when I went home I found my TV set was out of order. Immediately I informed the above dealer to cancel the order and explained the reason for the cancellation. He refused to do so.

At 18:00 hrs, I got a call from your Tata Sky office about the registration and installation. There also I explained my problem and he was kind enough to cancel the registration and asked me to contact the company representative at Mysore.

On 04-09, I went to M/s. Jayanth Auto Agencies personally and briefed him the situation and requested the dealer to refund the amount if any as per the rules of the company. The dealer flatly refused to refund even one rupee. When I requested him to refund the installation charges of Rs. 1500=00, he stood up and raised his hand to slap me. All this happened in the presence of Mr. Nazar who is the company representative.

After much discussion he refunded Rs. 1500=00 but refused pay a single rupee towards the Digicom. It is not the money which matters, but the rude and goonda behaviour of the dealer which hurt me the most. I am aged 65 years and he showed scant respect for the age. He does not have the courtesy to explain the rules of the company for refund claim and cancellation.

This is for the information of the concerned authority for redressal and to avoid unhealthy instances in the future whereby the reputation of Tata Sky may spoil.

I am deeply disturbed by this incident discouraging me to recommend any TATA services to anybody which I was keen on initially. I suppose TATA must be judicious in choosing their representatives, for it is the customer who forms the backbone of a service oriented industry.

Company: Tata Sky
Country: India
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