WorldSpace Digital Satellite Radio - India
Be careful while subscribing to such services!

TV & Radio

We got the WorldSpace Satellite radio installed in our house about 7-8 months back and in the 3rd month it stopped working due to some problem in the receiver they gave me.

After repeated complains, their engineer came home and took it away saying that they will need to repair it. After 3 weeks, and me calling them about 7-8 times, they returned the receiver, but the service was not working since the receiver id was changed during the repair.

They took more than 1 month to resume my service. When I asked that they extend my subscription for the time that I was not serviced, they said yes. This was way back in August. Till date I have called them more than 20 times, to the Pune and Bangalore office and the service is not working.

This is by far the worst customer service I have ever encountered. Even today, the Pune office said to call Bangalore, and that office asked me to call the Pune office. The numbers they provide are generally wrong and I have to make customer service calls to get the right number.

Bottom line, I do not have service for something I paid for and that is annoying.

My advice to all would be, to be careful while subscribing to such services.


Aatish Shroff.

Company: WorldSpace Digital Satellite Radio - India
Country: India
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