Dish TV
No value for money

TV & Radio


I have the following complaints regarding Dish TV.

1. Whichever channel I select, there are prolonged advertisements.

2. Every few seconds, the TV channel newsreaders want to take a "break."

3. Many channels demand extra payment under the excuse of "movie on demand" whereas merely subscribing to Dish TV means that they should show us the movies that we are subscribing to Dish TV for. Why should we pay extra beyond the subscription? This is illegal.

4. Rarely are good movies shown. The movies shown are lack-lustre and the advertisements are noisy, loud and idiotic.

5. Hardly any English or Hindi music channels are being shown these days and whatever songs are shown are of rap music in which the song is "talked" instead of being sung.

6. It appears that all channels are being intentionally made lack lustre even though there are countless good English and Hindi movies and songs that can be shown but are intentionally not shown.

7. In the channel 9Xm, which is off the air now like B4U, half the screen is shown with dancing apes or chimpanzees or 3-eyed monsters, and the good song cannot be enjoyed because of this unnecessary interference.

8. Whenever we try to see a good channel, a toll-free phone no is shown demanding extra money even though we are legitimate subscribers.

9. Today, many channels previously shown by Dish TV are off the air, but our subscription is never reduced because of this.

10. Even after continuously surfing for half an hour on various channels of Dish TV, hardly any good entertainment can be found except that we are bombarded with advertisements regarding shampoos, soaps, hair oils, skin creams, food products, domestic items, cars, motorbikes, etc.

I doubt that I will renew my subscription. Internet on broadband is more entertaining or it is better to buy a good English or Hindi movie DVD and enjoy it rather than get tortured by Dish TV.

Company: Dish TV
Country: India
State: Andhra Pradesh
City: Hyderabad
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