Dish TV
Repeated signal disruptions (VC no - 01505842578)

TV & Radio


I had sent the following mail to on Fri, Apr 15 - but am yet to get any response!

Speaks volumes about Zee DTH's customer service!


Early February, I'd registered a complaint with Dish TV customer care

over telephone, highlighting the "technical error - 301 signal not

found" problem in my connection (VC no -01505822578).

Since this problem had been persisting for a while, I had then - while

placing the complaint - requested specifically that the technicians

coming to my place should bring an AMC contract so that I can purchase

the maintenance for 1 year.

However, you sent technicians from your franchise in Noida - P K

Enterprises (Sector 10) - on February 12 to address this issue.

They told me that they don't deal in AMCs, and can only rectify the

problem - one of dish alignment - for Rs. 150.

Without any option in hand, I had to reluctantly pay the amount and

settle for this.

Now, hardly had six or seven weeks gone by that I was facing a new

problem altogether - after a while, the screen was

hanging/freezing..!! In other words, my dish TV remote was not working

at all in such a situation.

Only when I had to switch off the main power source and switch on

again that the problem seemed to be resolved - only for it to come

back after some time..!

On calling up customer care to raise this issue, they told me that

it's a temporary thing and if it occurs again, then it might be a case

of set top box issue.

To aggravate the situation further, since the first week of April, I

found that quite a few channels are not coming at all - showing signal

not found..!

On April 8, I called up customer care to raise a complaint - reference

no 57039561 - regarding both these issues. Again, I put in a request

that an AMC be issued to me this time.

Now, I was told that I need to pay AMC fees (Rs.350-odd taxes) Rs.

150-odd taxes (visiting charges for resovling technical problem)..!!

This was shocking to me, and I refused to pay up this amount..

And a day later, the complaint was closed and an SMS was sent to me

saying "your issue is resolved"!!

Least to say that I am deeply saddened by the way Dish TV deals with

its customers.

I've been using Dish TV since and have never come across this

kind of disgusting, dispassionate customer service.!

My point is this - Since my first complaint in February - requesting

for an AMC - was denied to me for no fault of mine.. that clearly had

got to do with the lack of the facility at the franchise you had sent

to my place..

So why should I, as a customer, have to pay visiting charges for

technical resolution this time, too??

Would appreciate a sincere and well-thought-through response.. and not

a typical bureaucratic, stereotypical one.

If my problem is not resolved to the best of my satisfaction, I will

be forced to take up the matter with the consumer rights forum.


Binay Kumar Gupta

VC - 01505842578

Mobile - 98716 44066


Company: Dish TV
Country: India
State: Uttar Pradesh
City: Gautam Buddha Nagar
  <     >  


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