Bajaj Alliance Car Insurance
Non Payment and Harrasment

Cars & Transport

Dear Sir,

This is to bring to your kind attention that the writer had taken an insurance thru Kun Hyundai from Bajaj Alliance for my Car TN20 AE 7420. When car met with an accident and I had approached the service centre for Insurance claim, I did not get a proper response on my claims and my claims were not accepted stating that the policy does not cover it. The Service Guy was telling me that I had to speak to the Insurance contact Mr. Nandakumar of Kun Hyundai. When contacted Mr. NandaKumar, I was given a Contact of Mr. Hamid of Bajaj Alliance who at a wild tone said that I cannot call him and have to call the service centre. When asked about the complaint handling desk for both Kun and bajaj Alliance, I has no response and it went for more than a week and finally I had to tell the service centre that I will pay for the full charge and take delivery of my vehicle.

I am not clear on what is the dealing between Kun Hyundai and Bajaj Alliance to recomend and take a insurance and then say that this is not covered or that is not covered and make the repairs at an expensive charges. Why is Neither Kun Hyndai or Bajaj alliance contact able to give the complaints desk contact or email.

The Writer will be taking the case up with consumer forum for justice and would like to place a record for other are not being cheated and harrassed by such a Manner.

Thanks, Your Truly... Nagarajan

Company: Bajaj Alliance Car Insurance
Country: India
State: Tamil Nadu
City: Chennai
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