Bad Customer care/Refund

Cars & Transport

I booked a ticked in airdeccan first time even though i am frequent flyer (Because of urgency). Ticket was booked from Kolkata to Hyderabad. Actual date of booking of ticket was 25th october. Due to some urgency i traveled Kolkata 2 weeks ahead. I request for a reschedule of my ticket through call center phone numbers.

They confirmed me that i can fly on 13th october. I travelled all the way from Jameshdpur to Kolkata to catch the fligh which was suppose to depart 19:30.When i reached to the airport after whole day of travel, airdeccan guys at ticketing counter told me that the flight is no more flying on above time. It has been rescheduled to mornint 7:50.So they said you missed the flight. I told them it was never been conveyed to me they didn't even bother to respond to me. As i was in hurry to reach Hyderabad, I bought anoter ticket from another airline and reached to Hyderabad.

I have tried many times to convey this message to air deccan no body even bother to respond. Today i have againg writtent a mail to their refund department (Ishwar, Vieeie, Refund) but still not response.

What ever phone numbers are provided by call center never works. And the worst thing even today after many request i got the mobile number of Concerned person Eswar singh (I think for the whole air deccan there is only two person are their (Eshwar and Vinnie and they never respond). It seems that Air deccan even taken over by Kingfisher needs to understand what is customer care. My single expeience with Airdeccan is so bad i will never ever even fly by airdeccan nor i will suggest toanybody else.

Company: Airdeccan/Deccan
Country: India
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Kingfisher/ air ticket
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Air Deccan
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