Blackberrys Apparel
Colour Defect

Clothing & Footwear

With reference to the above please note that I am a die hard fan of your cord trousers and have been using the same for both casual as well as formal wear for last 6 years, this is the time when I had replaced all my trousers in the wardrobe with Blackberrys cords. However one of the purchases (Prescot GN 0721/MD Olive) around 1 ½ years back has not lived up to its reputation and it getting discolored at various places (more around the waist area). As a loyal and concerned fan of Blackberrys I would like you to please look into the reasons behind the same so that the same can be corrected at the production level.

I expect you to live up to your reputation and brand image and lend me no reason to change my loyalty.

Company: Blackberrys Apparel
Country: India
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