Service not prope

Clothing & Footwear

I had bought an Espirit watch model no -1141 on 16-08 from watches and more Oberoi Mall, Goregoan which is referred as an authorised store for Espirit watches.

Within 1 year of an occasional use there have been cracks in the strap (Manufacturing defect or Material Defect) of the watch. As it bears a warranty period of two year it was given back to the Watches and more Store at Oberoi Mall (Goregoan) on 04-07 under the challan no- WM/1341 and was returned back unrepaired to me which is very unsatisfactory service on the part of the company.

As the proper service was not been provided it was not collected from the store and was returned back to the store at the same time. Again a call had being received from the store to collect the watch stating it has been rectified and watch was been collected on 05-09. With an answer that company is in shortage of the strap so cannot remove defect or provide the service.

So I kindly request you to see to the concern department and give me reply for the same. I request you to provide me a proper satisfactory service. If company fails to provide the service for the same a legal action would be taken against the company and the company would be held responsible for the same.

Dr. Ruchita Gaggar



Company: Esprit
Country: India
State: Maharashtra
City: Mumbai City
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