Note book
Lack fo information & missing my warranty now

Computers & Services


i m not satisfy by ur service center because it provide more wrong information & also miss guide & not support to any customer to provide Ur service i lost my warranty today by Ur lack Ur fault so may be i can contact tomorrow to consumer forum & do Ur complain for regarding of this bad services to provide me my (request no is 8439034448)...

Company: Note book
Country: India
State: Delhi
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India Today Book Club
Order not deliver since MArch

Complaint login in warranty period but Warranty period expired before the replacement of part

Maruti alto car
Engine noise for 3 years

Ing insurance policy
Wrong information in policy document 01648348

India Today Book Club
Cheated by India Today Book Clu

India Today Book Club
India Today Book Club - ONLINE COMPLAINTS

India Today Book Club
Non receipt of product and no redressal of complaint

India Today Book Club
Money not refunded after 2 months after cancellation of order because of not delivery

India Today Book Club
Not delivering service/product after getting payment