India Today Book Club
Kodak camera

Electronics and household app.

FW: Compliant - order # OGB090000942‏

From: Luthra, Preeti (

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Sent: 04 March 22:48PM

To: (

INTERNAL: The contents of this mail are restricted to being within Patni. Its non-compliance violates the Patni BPO policy


From: Luthra, Preeti

Sent: Tuesday, September 29 3:36 PM

To: ''

Subject: FW: Compliant - order # OGB090000942

INTERNAL: The contents of this mail are restricted to being within Patni. Its non-compliance violates the Patni BPO policy


From: Luthra, Preeti

Sent: Tuesday, September 29 3:35 PM

To: ''

Subject: Compliant - order # OGB090000942

INTERNAL: The contents of this mail are restricted to being within Patni. Its non-compliance violates the Patni BPO policy


This with reference to my Membership no ITBC0993117, I had called three weeks before and filled a complaint (complaint # 2040550) stating that there are two things missing from the Item K0443 i.e memory card and Camera pouch. I was told by the executive that my complaint has been forwarded to the concerned department and I will receive these two things within two weeks time.

Today again when I called your customer service department, the executive told me the same thing which I heard three weeks back. I wanted to speak to the manager and was kept on hold for 25 mins. After being on hold for so long, my call was still not passed to the supervisor. The agent told me that the Kodak company is providing and not India Today.

I fail to understand this as it is mentioned on the package that Camera, Memory card and camera pouch is inside. Is India today keeping these two things with them and giving half package to the customer.

I don’t expect India Today to provide such pathetic customer service. I need an explanation on this as this seems that you are cheating your customer.


Preeti Luthra


FW: Compliant - order # OGB090000942‏

From: Luthra, Preeti (

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Sent: 04 March 22:48PM

To: (

INTERNAL: The contents of this mail are restricted to being within Patni. Its non-compliance violates the Patni BPO policy


From: Luthra, Preeti

Sent: Tuesday, September 29 3:35 PM

To: ''

Subject: Compliant - order # OGB090000942

INTERNAL: The contents of this mail are restricted to being within Patni. Its non-compliance violates the Patni BPO policy


This with reference to my Membership no ITBC0993117, I had called three weeks before and filled a complaint (complaint # 2040550) stating that there are two things missing from the Item K0443 i.e memory card and Camera pouch. I was told by the executive that my complaint has been forwarded to the concerned department and I will receive these two things within two weeks time.

Today again when I called your customer service department, the executive told me the same thing which I heard three weeks back. I wanted to speak to the manager and was kept on hold for 25 mins. After being on hold for so long, my call was still not passed to the supervisor. The agent told me that the Kodak company is providing and not India Today.

I fail to understand this as it is mentioned on the package that Camera, Memory card and camera pouch is inside. Is India today keeping these two things with them and giving half package to the customer.

I don’t expect India Today to provide such pathetic customer service. I need an explanation on this as this seems that you are cheating your customer.


Preeti Luthra



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Company: India Today Book Club
Country: India
State: Delhi
City: South West Delhi
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