Nokia Customer Care
Battery not replaced with in Target TIme

Electronics and household app.

Dear Sir,

This is to infomr you that i had purchased Noika Handset 2690 dated 14-8-11.

Battery of my phone stated giving problem so i went to Nokia Care for Replacement of Battery on 11-2-11. Techinicans checked the battery and as per him it need to be changed.

Customer care executive said it will take 7 days for replacment of Battery.

i was shocked since for 7 days i will need to keep my phone switch off since i had to handover original battery to customer care.

i asked to customer care to provide my any supporting battery but they refused the same stating it is not as per company policy.

my first issue: If comany will take 7 days for just replacement of battery means i need to keep my phone switch off for 7 days which in today's time not possible so i will definitley will new battery to keep my mobile switch on.

which is totally unacceptable.

Battery should be replaced instatly since there is no use of replacement of battery after 7 days.

my second issue: i called on 18-2-11 to know the status then customer care executive simply said you please contact on 21-2-11 to know the status which means 3 more days to be taken by company for just replacement of a battery.

i will request you to please look into matter so that customer should not be harrased in such a manner

For you reference my Job Sheet : 222433527/110211/32

Company: Nokia Customer Care
Country: India
State: Delhi
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