Poor service of Onida Lexini 32

Electronics and household app.

We had purchased Onida Lexini 32 inch LCD in and it was running fine till 1st week of January '10. It stopped working, and only audio was coming.

We registered a complaint with Adonis that day itself and were told that one technician will come in 3 days time, and since we are not in warranty period, we have to pay Rs. 850/- for this.

After 3 days, a technician came, and he switched on the TV. He just looked at the TV, and immediately decided that the panel has to be changed! He didnt even open the set to look what the problem is. He further told that this will cost 80% of the TV cost (Rs. 24, 000/-).

We were shocked, and contacted his group leader (Mr. Prakash of Tambaram branch). He told that all electronic products have this risk, and can fail. He said he will try to get it completed at a discounted price of Rs.20, 000/- all inclusive (panel, tax, service charge etc).

Having already invested Rs. 40, 000/- in this TV, we were left with little choice but to go with this option. We paid 10, 000/- as advance, and gave the TV for panel replacement on 11 Jan.

All the time they took for rectifying the problem, we didnt have TV at home (during pongal festival) and finally when they were about to give the TV, the lead technician (Mr. Munusamy of Nungambakkam head office, Adonis), innocently puts it saying if we had told that we didnt have a spare TV at home, they would have given a spare! He never told in the first place that they have such a process for LCD tv's, and he plainly put the blame on us for not asking for a spare. How can we know their process if they dont disclose?

After taking 11 days (citing all kinds of reasons, like pongal holidays, courier and finally delivery van!!!), they delivered the TV yesterday (21 Jan).

When we switched on the TV, we noticed that there is a very degradation of performance of TV. When objects move on the screen, its not rendering fast, and the appearance is somewhat ghostly. In some channels, this is very prominent.

Do I have no option other than to pay the rest 10, 000 Rs/- and live with this not very well perfoming TV just because I did the mistake of buying the TV in the first place from this wretched TV company?

Please advise what should I do for this faulty, imperfect and delayed service?

Company: Onida
Country: India
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