Faulty mobiles, company still not offering refund

Electronics and household app.


panasonic is a well know brand from japan.

But beware, you may also be taken for a ride like i was by Panasonic india.

GD55 and G60 phones were withdrawn very soon as company noticed a number of in-built errors.

The major one was phone getting hang- and one is forced to remove the battery to restart the phone.

the service people merely reinstalled software but that never cured the problem.

So the smart managers of panasonic stopped the support very soon.

i am demanding refund as my phones went numerous repairs during warranty but still not cured.

Panasonic is not able to remove the faults and not giving reasons for NOT OFFERING ME THE REFUND.

I suggest to all indian consumers to beware from panasonic as the brand may be good in other parts of the world but definately not in india.



Company: Panasonic
Country: India
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