Wrong billing


The Revenue Officer (Water) Dated: 04.07.2009

South West-I,

Najafgarh, New Dwelhi.

Subject: Application to correct wrong billing

Dear Sir,

This has reference to your Bill No. 142123 dated 25th October for the period from 13th April to 16th August against Connection No. R-85510 for sum of Rs.250/-.

I am to inform you that the above-mentioned bill for Rs.250/- was paid in cash by me at Corporation Bank, Vasant Lok, Vasant Vihar, New Delhi-57 in the month of November. Unfortunately, this bill-amount is shown by you as outstanding and is repeatedly being reflected in the bills along with surcharge.

I have collected Detailed Report of Credits from Corporation Bank as a proof of payment made. Photocopy of this along with photocopy of Bill No.142123 and other bills thereafter are enclosed herewith for your ready reference.

You are requested to review my account and clear the above mentioned bill amount along with surcharge at the earliest.

Thanking you

Company: Domestic
Country: India
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