Pathetic service from HCL and no solution yet


Respected Sir,

I had never thought of writing this mail when I bought your HCL Ezeebee desktop (No. 1087AZ114316) The system was having three years warranty and still this warranty is valid.

Last month I heard some beep or buzz sound continuously coming from the CPU and whenever I tried to play any media file or started the DVD writer or started any game, the system crashed with a blue screen error message showing "PAGE_FAULT_ERROR_IN_NON_PAGED_AREA". And memory being dumped.

I reported to the service center about the problem. In response I got a call from them. They suggested me that the system is having some boot sector virus and you need to upgrade your OS. I did that but that didn't work as this same blue error screen came while the OS upgradation was in progress.

This was a clear signal of a hardware failure, most probably RAM being faulty. Since no virus runs without any OS. I called the service people back and reported the same. But they said "Try formatting your hard disk'.I tried to convince them that Its appears to be some hardware problem and is really tough to take a backup of my 160 GB data. In response they sent a service person (Mr. Krishna) who without even opening the CPU box said "Its virus and you need to format your hard disk". The same advice he has quoted on the customer service report No.8782 dated 22 Apr.

Some how I got it done but even then the OS could not be installed as the blue screen error was still there and stopped the OS installation. I called the service people again. In response they sent another service person (Mr. Praveen) who after seeing the problem said "Its because of dust on the Processor fan and you need to get it cleaned". When I asked him to do so he said "We don't do this. You can go to any computer shop and get that done".

Being fed up I went to the shop to get the dust blown out for which I was charged Rs.350.But that still didnt work. I called back the same person (Mr. Praveen) and asked him to check my CPU properly. To my surprise he asked for a screw driver from me to open the box. And a computer brush to remove the dust. When I asked him to check the RAM and HARD DISK with any spare one, he said he doesn't have any and said the hardware is working fine and there is some problem with the BIOS settings.

He did some RnD sort of thing and raised the CPU alret to 80 degree Celcius in order to stop the beep (funny). He has written the CPU overheating problem in his customer service report No.11072 dated : 5 May. He commited that he will come on Sunday to solve my problem but inspite of various call from me he didn't come. The BLUE SCREEN ERROR is still there and I 'm helpless. I didn't get any reply for my email sent to wecare4u@hcl.in

I really need a reply for all this negligence and the charges I had to pay in warranty period. Can I expect some positive response from the HCL service team. Or should I seek some legal advisor to get a compensation of the losses I have sufferred due to the service people.

Company: HCL EZEEBEE Desktop
Country: India
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Hcl, HCL EZEEBEE -1115 (computer)
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HCL/Desktop- B077AM085444
HCL Desktop B077AM085444