Indian Railways/RCTC
Distribution of non washed bed rolls


On 05/05, when traveling from kakinada to Secunderabad by Gautami Express (T.No. 2737) B-2/ 17 (PNR 133 7769420), noticed that bed rolls issued by IRCTC Contractor were un washed and kept in re used covers with out seal. The matter was complained to TTE and he verified that all the bed rolls are in the same condition, no rectification done by the duty Manager of the Contractor. Hence lodged a complaint vide Sr No. 146601 in the complaint book available with the TTE.

Again while traveling from Visakhapatman to Secunderabad on 14/05 by Godavary Express (T.No, 2727) B-3/ 44/ PNR 631 5123791, noticed similar problem and on insisting also, the Manager on duty of Contractor of IRCTC in charge for bed rolls, for lodging a complaint to him in the Complaint Book provided by IRCTC, he just vanished with out reply. Then lodged a complaint in the book available with TTE, against Sr No. 080659. The TTE informed that there are regular complaints on this issue and he can do nothing in the matter, since the bed roll fellows are in in there control.

This shows that the railway authorities are not caring for the said irregularity, hence bring to the form for suitable action in the matter.

You are aware, sleeping with out a bed roll in the Air Conditioned compartment is difficult, at the same time, is very un safe to use un washed bed rolls. Kindly look in to the matter and see suitable action in the matter, else, keep it as optional to ask for bed rolls, passengers shall have there own.

Company: Indian Railways/RCTC
Country: India
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