Arrogance, seat changes, humanity




I am writing this right inside the flight S 2 255 Delhi - Kochi JetLite .. Its quite dissappointing to see that despite being a Jet Platinum member the treatment that i got from the Crew in the

airport was marking a shame to the entire service industry.

Ok let me explain it a bit in detail to you.. I had a Siviere fracture on my leg yesterday because of which i planned to take leave and go to kerala and stay with my parents for a while. Since

my leg was hurting badly i immedietely booked the tickets for the next flight available which "unfortunately"was Jetlite S 2 255.

My friends dropped me at the airport with the best luxuary i can ever get .. i was not allowed to move my leg even inside the car..

The moment i touched the Delhi Airport one of my friend went to the Jet lite counter to pick up the Wheel chair which was promised to me by the Tele Check in Customer care .. (oh i

forgot to tell this .. ) - sorry for the diversion, I had called up the customer service for a telecheck in so that my fractured leg can rest in peace inside the flight .. The lady very confidently

and proudly helped me and offered the first Delta seat in the flight .. i was shocked for a moment and i thought Naresh Goyal (MD Jetlite) has got his basics right... She also promised me

that there will be some one who will assist me in the airport with the wheel chair.. (back to live action in the Jetlite counter) -- MY friend was waiting in the Jetlite counter for 15 mins and

the Wheel chair was just a ray of hope away from us .. Having a fractured leg and in a bit of pain my patience was running a bit low .. finally after making me sweat in that hot sun the

wheel chair arrived..

Now this is the beauty .. i am being taken by a decent guy till the counter and suddenly he dissappears.. I have no clue what to do as all the passengers in the flight are "looking" (in our

words the Dirty Looks" ) at i am a sinner and being caught by the Airport Police for misbehaving with females..:) This time it was not my fractured leg which was paining ..

Going forward.. the lady in the blue saree in Jetlite walks up to me asks for my name and then gives the boarding pass .. I just noticed that she has changed my seat and i am right now put

into 26 D, A bit shocked i asked her why did u change me from the first seat Delta to 26 D .. The answer was very simple she said the wheel chair passengers are always given 26 D .. The

logic was its on the back side.. as any litereate man i thought its the last seat of the flight and hence for the ease of operations they have given me this seat.. I finally manage to hop to the

flight .. That is when i notice that the last seat in the flight is 32 and not 26 ..(I thought all the while what is special with the number 26 and wheel chair, i am sure it will be a tough

question in any of the CAT exams)..

My Journey continues as i am in between two cramped seats, the lady in front cramping my leg as she pushes back her seat and is happily sleeping...

On a serious note - Talking about Consumerism..

Lets take the positives or advantages i had which others probably didnt have.

a) I am a Jet Platinum Member and it was evident in the Ticket

b) I was young healthy literate and had the patience to convince any of them at any point of time

c) Despite having suffered all the pain i still managed not to make a scene in the flight ..

d) Having such a huge Bandage on my left lug and my hop to move 10 cms in every step i defintiely had a sympathy factor atelast from my fellow passengers..

Imagine if this happens to your father, mother or any elderly person who may not have the strength to talk about this, they will just keep quite and take all the pain..

Let me talk in my style now (Please excuse me if you find any words politically incorrect)

Disgusting behaviour of the crew in the ticketing counter, are they paid nuts or are they maids and gardeners in Naresh goyals farm house..

I have no comment about the lady who moved me from the 1 Delta to seat 26 which understanding and after seeing the fractured leg... Forget helping a passenger, Atleast screw him when

he is in deep pain..

And finally the Crew .. They are interested to sell refreshments (50 rs Coffee - ) i am sure a dhaba wala will have better service quotient than this...

I feel bad for the Indian consumer, i dont know how i can react to this .. Should i go to the the Jetlite counter and tell my experience or should i just ignore it ..

With what ever little contacts that i have with the media houses, will ensure that the TOI, HT, D Jagran, CNN Ibn will definitely have a scoup on this topic very soon..

Trust me this is not the first time i am travelling in a low cost Airline, have been a traditional member of Deccan as i used to work in South before i moved to Delhi..

This was a real shocker of my life, probably all the other time i ignore the troubles as i will be in a hurry to reach the destination and make my deals / presentations..

I will try my level best to make sure that almost every one who intent to take a Jetlite flight in the future understand before he press the submit button which charges your credit card a

bomb which Jetlite very conviniently terms as "Low Cost Airline from Jet Family". If i get a space in any of the Newspaper dailies i promise i wont think twice before publishing this. Not

to tamper the share prices of Jet Airwalys which anyway is on a decline state .. but just to ensure that somewhere the new indian consumer is reacting .. Its time if Not to Respect the

Consumer but atleast to give him a decent treatment and the value for the money that he has paid.

While i am writing this the steward has dashed my leg atleast 3 times .. apparently cant tell his name also as he is not wearing the name plate or identity card which every employee in an

aircraft should mandatorily have ..

Closing remarks .. I hope they land me safe in cochin .. atleast the Pilot know his Job.. I hope i get a wheel chair even after waiting for an Hour.. And i Hope and Pray, God Please dont

give anyone such an experience, even if its my Enemy..



Company: Jetlite
Country: India
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JetLite Web Reservations
Credit Card not charged

Jetlite airlines
Boarding denied in a confirmed ticket due to over booking. Even though reported in time

Jetlite airline
Non refund of tikets

JetLite Airways
JetLite does not refund upon ticket cancellation

JetLite India Pvt. Ltd
JetLite India Pvt Ltd does not refund upon ticket cancellation

Jetlite Airways
Not keeping the settlement

Jet Lite
Tough harrasment by Jet Lite

Refund for cancelled flight


Ill-treatmentment by Jetlite Manage