Conditon of the buses


I am frequent traveller between Gulbarga and Hyderabad and i feel sorry for the state of the buses that are put to service on this route. Every now and then buses break down causing inconvenience to the passengers. Take the case of my travel in MAYURA EXECUTIVE (A/c bus between gulbarga and Hyderabad) yesterday (20th may). The bus broke down and the driver/conductor did not seem to care about it as though it was not new to them. The worse part was that the control room did not care about the situation. There was no mechanic (forget back up bus!) sent even after waiting for 2 hours although the bus broke down 50 kms away from gulbarga. Finally we had to get in NWKRTC bus and guess what the conductor refused to pay the difference amount (Mayura Executive and Express). Thank god the other conductor let us travel on the previous bus' ticket itself.

I urge the KSRTC/NEKRTC to please put in new buses on this line. The present buses are too old and dirty and shabby and only god knows when they will break down and how!

Company: KSRTC
Country: India
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